Saturday, July 23, 2011

Aheu dit strategy


In a fast-changing world, an organization needs a strategy that enables it to respond effectively to
emerging challenges while focusing on its long-term goals. Aheu Dit women group is an organization with a new strategy that defines who we are, what we do, why and how we do it, and where we work.

During the last 5 years, our Centre has undergone major changes and programmatic
adjustments in response to changing demands in the external environment(.Including the influx of returnees from the north and other locations in and out of Sudan) being a women organization it was a challenge to maintain its center in kan ajak.

Aheu Dit women group hopes to find a way  building strategic planning framework(through volunteers and Organizations that are concerned with issues concerning women and children), we will have to formulated  new strategies  to guide our work through to 2020..

We will seek to maximize the ownership and use of this strategy by all members to ensure that
our collective responsibilities are fully dedicated to achieving a global transformation for
livelihoods and the environment. Our vision, mission, values and goals will guide us for the foreseeable future. The strategy is nevertheless a flexible one, geared to our rapidly changing external environment. We pride ourselves on being agile and able to respond to emerging issues.

Through this strategy, we aim to open many doors to augment engagement and consultation with the stakeholders. We believe that community  transformation will create practical options for people and the environment in the south Sudan. But the necessary scale of this transformation will be realized only if we deepen our engagement with all stakeholders.

I would like to express my deep appreciation to anyone will contributed to the development and
review of our new strategy. Without a doubt, their efforts will enhanced our ability to provide relevant community-based solutions to reduce rural poverty and ensure a more resilient environment for all.

James Ochieng
For Aheu Dit women Group

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